Leeds Palliative Care Network
Leeds Palliative Care Network

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Resources to support Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in palliative and end of life care
services in Leeds. 

We are committed to helping the City of Leeds strive towards improving access to palliative and end of life care for all people from all the communities we serve regardless of their background. We are determined to make impactful and meaningful change as soon as possible.

The links below contain helpful resources around supporting equality, inclusion and diversity in palliative and end of life care. 

NHS Scotland -  A Multifaith Resource for Healthcare Staff  

Marie Curie - LGBTQ+ Booklet: Getting Care and Planning for the Future  

Healthwatch Leeds Report - People's Experience of End of Life Care in West Yorkshire 

Hospice UK - I Just Want to Be Me Booklet 

Equality in Hospice and End of Life Care 

Marie Curie - Working with LGBTQ+ People in Palliative and End of Life Care

End of Life and Palliative Care for Muslim Patients - A Guide 

Resources from Compassionate Sheffield
Compassionate Sheffield, in partnership with the NHS have launched a campaign, to encourage people, professionals and communities to engage in and promote Advanced Care Planning. One of the resources is a video co-produced with people from Sheffield’s Yemini, Pakistani and Roma communities, available in multiple languages. Click here to watch.