Leeds Palliative Care Network
Leeds Palliative Care Network

We are delighted to share the results of our recent Bereaved Carers Survey, which aimed to understand people’s experience of the quality of care their relative/friend received in the last days or hours of life across different health care settings in Leeds including hospital, hospices, care homes and their own homes. Respondents provided feedback on the place/environment where their relative or friend had died and how satisfied they were with the care around symptom management, religious/cultural support, privacy, dignity and personal care.

The invitation to take part in the survey was given when carers collected a death certificate from Leeds Teaching Hospitals or either of the Leeds Hospices. If community health services were involved the approach was to ask carers if they wished to take part and if they responded positively the survey details were then given to them.  We are currently working with GP’s so that next time we hope the survey will be offered to all carers when they visit their relative’s GP surgery to collect a death certificate.

Overall there were high levels of satisfaction with care provided across all settings especially in relation to management of pain and other symptoms, and privacy and dignity. Areas where improvements could be made have been highlighted and shared within each organisation and action plans have been developed. We’d like to thank everyone that took part and Healthwatch and St Gemma’s Academic Unit for Palliative Care for their support in analysing the results. Click here to view the report.

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