Leeds Palliative Care Network
Leeds Palliative Care Network

When someone dies leaflet

Information for families and carers following a recent bereavement

If you are reading this leaflet you may have had a recent bereavement. If that is the case please accept our sincere condolences at this difficult time.
This leaflet provides what we hope is helpful information, particularly in the first few days and weeks after someone has died.
You will find information about practical matters as well as the different ways grief can affect you and some useful contact numbers.

What happens next?

After your relative or friend has died this will need to be confirmed by a doctor or healthcare professional. If not present at the time this will be arranged as soon as possible and within a few hours. At this time you will need to decide which funeral director you want to use. Once you have chosen a funeral director they will visit to collect your relative or friend at a time convenient to you. They can also talk through what happens next and offer help with funeral arrangements, if needed.

A Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) is required to register a death. A GP from your relative or friend’s surgery
will be able to sign this. Sometimes the GP will need to speak to a Coroner before they can sign this certificate. If this is the case
the GP or healthcare professional involved can explain the reasons for this. Once the MCCD is completed the GP practice will give instructions on how to register the death of your relative or friend. You will need to register the death of your relative or friend in person and by appointment. The GP will email the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) to the registrar. Once received the registrar will aim to contact you within two days by text message, email, or phone to let you know you can book an appointment. More information about how to register a death in Leeds can be found here Register a death (leeds.gov.uk).

If equipment was provided to help staff care for your relative or friend at home the Neighbourhood Team will arrange for this to be collected.

Bereavement support

At a time of bereavement, many people find they have all the support they need from those around them. The team providing
care for your relative or friend may also like to offer support.

Bereavement support can vary depending on what you want. Those who have been involved in care can provide information or
support and may offer to contact you in the first few weeks. This may include:
• Information leaflets; or
• information about other support, such as
the hospice bereavement service.

You may feel you need more than this. We can talk to you about what further support is available, including bereavement services with more expertise in providing support after someone has died. Any help or support will only be arranged with your agreement.

Feelings of grief

Grieving is a natural reaction following the death of someone close and most people are deeply affected by this experience.
However, people can react and feel very differently, and at times this may make it difficult to talk about your feelings.

Many people feel sadness, distress and also more unexpected feelings such as disbelief, anger, guilt and panic. This is a normal part of the grieving process; the feeling may come and go without warning, and at times can be difficult to understand.

It may help to talk about these feelings and healthcare professionals are very happy to offer this support if it would be helpful.

It is also common to have less appetite than normal and difficulty sleeping, which can make you feel very tired.

Who to inform

After someone dies you may need to (or wish to) notify several different organisations and a death notification form provides some guidance.

What to do after someone dies

You may also want to inform relatives, friends, employer or where children are affected, their school.


Many people think about their finances before their death and your relative or friend may have written a will and planned for
funeral costs. For example, they may have insurance cover or a prepaid funeral plan. Information about this and any personal
wishes about their funeral may be in a will, if this exists. If there is no provision for funeral costs it may be possible to get financial
support if the person organising the funeral receives certain benefits.

Useful contacts

Leeds Bereavement Forum - directory of available services: www.lbforum.org.uk

Carers Leeds - carersleeds.org.uk / 0113 380 4300

Registering a death in Leeds

Leeds Palliative Care Network

Leeds Community Equipment Service
Call 0113 378 3282

Contact us

If involved, your Neighbourhood Team will provide their contact details during the day 7am-5pm and out of hours 5-9.30pm.

Neighbourhood Night service: 9.30pm-7am, 0300 003 0045
GP surgery: ......................................................
Out of hours GP: 111
Care home: ......................................................
St Gemma’s Hospice: 0113 218 5540
Wheatfields Hospice: 0113 278 7249
Other: ...............................................................

Help us get it right

If you have a complaint, concern, comment or compliment you can share your feedback using the contact details below:
Leeds Community Healthcare Trust
Tel: 0113 220 8585
Email: lch.pet@nhs.net

GP Practice
You can contact the Practice Manager or contact NHS England on:
Tel: 0300 3 11 22 33
Email: england.contactus@nhs.net

Care Home
You can contact the Care Home Manager or Leeds City Council if the care home is funded by them.
Tel: 0113 222 4405
Email: complaints@leeds.gov.uk

We can make this information available in Braille, large print, audio or other languages on request.

© Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust, May 2021 ref: 1298 v3