Leeds Palliative Care Network
Leeds Palliative Care Network

Support for patients and carers

When you or someone you love is facing the end of their life, it can feel overwhelming. There is a wide range of  local and national services available which can provide help, support and information when you need it most.

Local services

Carers Leeds 
Carers Leeds is a team of expert support workers who provide advice and help for unpaid carers in Leeds.

Dying Matters Leeds
Dying Matters Leeds aims to help people talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement, and to make plans for the end of life.

Leeds Bereavement Forum
Leeds Bereavement Forum signposts individuals to the most appropriate bereavement service either locally or nationally. You do not need to be referred, services are free and open to all.

Mindwell Leeds 
Mental health information and support for people in Leeds who are experiencing a bereavement or loss.

Maggie’s Yorkshire 
Maggie’s and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust are working in partnership to create the highest quality of cancer support for the people of Yorkshire.

Registering a Death 
Advice on how to register a death in Leeds.

Managing Breathlessness
Leeds Centre for Respiratory Medicine has created a website dedicated to managing breathlessness, with a wide range of resources for patients, carers and healthcare professionals.

Care in the Last Days of Life - Leaflet for Carers
An leaflet providing information for carers on what to expect in the last few days of life. 

End of Life Care and Support in Leeds - LPCN Leaflet
This leaflet provides advice and guidance for patients and carers in Leeds. 


National services

NHS Choices End of Life Care
This guide is for people who are approaching the end of their life. Some parts of it may also be useful for people who are caring for someone who is dying, or people who want to plan in advance for their own end of life care.

NHS Continuing Healthcare
NHS Continuing Healthcare is a package of care that some people are entitled to receive as a result of disability, accident or illness. It covers the full cost of the person’s care once the person has been assessed.

Beacon can provide help and advice on being fast tracked for NHS continuing healthcare, when an individual’s health is rapidly deteriorating and they are considered to be approaching the end of their life.

Dying Matters 
Dying Matters is a group of individuals and organisations who aim to help people talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement, and to make plans for the end of life.

Sue Ryder Online Bereavement Community
Sue Ryder’s online community offers help and support whenever and wherever you need it. From expert Sue Ryder nurses on hand for advice, to practical information – or even just a caring conversation with someone who understands.