Leeds Palliative Care Network
Leeds Palliative Care Network


If you been told your health may not improve or you have a life limiting illness, you may be offered palliative or end of life care. The healthcare professionals caring for you will offer to talk to you (and anyone else you would like to be involved) about what this means for you.

Palliative and end of life care services in Leeds

The aim of palliative care is to maximise your quality of life by treating and relieving the symptoms and side effects of your illness, combined with supporting you and your family or carer practically and emotionally.

Palliative and end of life care can be provided in a variety of places including your home or care home, in a hospice or hospital. Your care will be provided by a range of health and social care staff, depending on your personal needs and medical condition. Your needs will be assessed, and advice will be provided about the right kind of care for you.

If you have particularly complex needs, specialist palliative care services can provide support wherever you receive your care. This could involve a specialist palliative care doctor, nurse or therapist often providing advice alongside the person’s own care team.

Whichever services are providing care, the aim is to work together with you and the people important to you to provide the right care, at the right time, in the right place. This involves sharing information about your wishes and care needs, wherever possible.

Visit the following websites for further information about palliative care services in Leeds by clicking on the links below:

For more information about the LPCN / Yorkshire Ambulance Service Palliative Care Ambulance which is dedicated to supporting patients receiving end of life care, please click on the links below: