Leeds Palliative Care Network
Leeds Palliative Care Network

Planning future care

If you or a loved one is receiving palliative or end of life care, you may want to start thinking about for the future. There is lots of information available online, from helping you to plan how you want to be cared for at the end of your life, to emotional, practical and financial advice and support.

ReSPECT is an advance care plan document that keeps a record of your wishes and details what you want to happen with regards to your care and treatment, should your condition change or deteriorate. (It includes the decision about not being resuscitated).

My Future Wishes – A Guide to Advance Care Planning
This is a very useful resource pack about Advance Care Planning produced by West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership. It provides lots of information about what Advance Care planning is, why it is important and guidance on how to carry it out. There are also embedded links to other guidance and tools.

NHS Choices – Planning Ahead for the End of Life
This website contains a whole host of useful information including end of life care, health and well-being, planning ahead, advance statements, advance decision making to refuse treatment and making a will.

Who can act on my behalf when I am no longer able?
Information and advice from Age UK on making and registering a lasting power of attorney.

Money Helper
Free and impartial support and advice on money and what to do when someone passes away.

Talking to children
Advice from McMillan Cancer Support on supporting children and young people when a loved on is approaching the end of their life.

Advance Care Planning Video
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust