Leeds Palliative Care Network
Leeds Palliative Care Network

Meet the team

Meet the Leeds Palliative Care Network Executive Team.

Adam Hurlow, LPCN Chair
Consultant in Palliative Medicine Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Chris Bonsell, LPCN Medicines Management Lead
Senior Clinical Pharmacist

Dr Gill Pottinger, Primary Care Lead

Natalie Sanderson, Executive Member for Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice
Head of Clinical Services 

Heather McClelland, Executive Member for St. Gemma’s Hospice
Chief Nurse, St Gemma's Hospice

Sarah Mc Dermott, Executive Member for Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust
Clinical Service Manager - Palliative Care and Community Cancer Support Services

Lesley Charman, Executive Member for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Team Leader Palliative Care Team, LTHT

Diane Boyne
LPCN Network Manager

Justine Ball
LPCN Administrator