Leeds Palliative Care Network
Leeds Palliative Care Network

About us

Leeds Palliative Care Network is a group of health and social care providers in Leeds, who are working together to improve services for adults approaching the end of their life.

Working together

The purpose of the Leeds Palliative Care Network is to help organisations work together to plan and deliver care, in the best possible way for palliative and end of life care patients, their families and carers.

Our aim is to make sure that patients, families and carers feel that:

  • Each person is seen as an individual.
  • Each person gets fair access to care.
  • A patient’s comfort and wellbeing is as great as it can be.
  • Care is coordinated.
  • All staff are prepared to care.
  • Each community is prepared to help.

Leeds Palliative Care Network makes this happen by:

  • Working together openly and honestly.
  • Working to ensure fair access to services and that no one is disadvantaged.
  • Working together to achieve our shared objectives.
  • Letting each other know about important matters and alerting each other to any issues.

For more information about how we work together and collaborate across the City, watch this short video from Team Leeds: